Textured Glass Splashbacks

Textured Glass

For something a little different why not experiment with textured glass?

While some textured glass designs might lend a 70's vibe, others are inherently modern and, used creatively, are an intelligent way to allow and refract light, breaking it up to provide another means of decorative layering.

And not just for the kitchen, textured glass can take an empty wall, partition or division and create a totally unique, and personal living space.

Hammered Glass

Textured Glass
Textured Glass

Flemish Glass

Hammered & Flemish - Kitchen by Nicola Cumming Design

Flemish Glass

Cotswold Glass

Cotswold Glass

This pattern can run on the vertical or the horizontal creating a different look and feel.

It takes on the look of raw silk when silvered and can be back painted on either the textured or the flat side depending on the colour.

Textured glass

Remember textured glass comes as clear float only and works best with metallic or darker colours which aid to mask the green iron content.

Sheet sizes are typically 1320mm x 2140mm so a join may be required for large displays.

Image Glass is here to help you create a unique and customised design for your kitchen projects. Request a quote today.